Reframe Your Inbox (Convos from the Couch 🛋 Edition)

Hey everyone. Just one thing from me this week. We’ll return to our regularly scheduled programming next weekend…


Tomorrow I’ll be joining Colorado State Senator Kerry Donovan for a live session of “Convos from the Couch.” We’ll be discussing Reframe the Day and talking about how anyone can reframe their response to the coronavirus crisis.

While almost every aspect of the current moment is out of our control, there are little things we can do, from scheduling moments of stillness to consuming news more intentionally to resisting the urge to be productive every minute of every day. Join us for this convo from the comfort of your couch:

Reframing Your Response to the Coronavirus Crisis

Tomorrow, Friday, April 17, 2020

12-12:30 pm Colorado time (great lunchtime entertainment) || 7-7:30 pm UK time (great dinnertime entertainment)

RSVP here to let us know you can make it!

You have three ways to watch:

  1. From your smartphone on Instagram Live (we’ll see how this goes…)

  2. From your computer here:

  3. From your telephone (cool!) by calling +1 425-436-6385 (access code 291037#)

See you tomorrow—and don’t forget to let us know if you can make it by RSVP-ing here.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading (and watching)!
